“The Hill We Climb” Poem by Amanda Gorman

Mr. President, Dr. Biden, Madam Vice President, Mr. Emhoff, Americans and the world: When day comes we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade? The loss we carry, a sea we must wade. We’ve braved the belly of the beast. We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace. In the norms and notions of what just is …

2020 Reflections

Grace & Peace, As the clock rolls over to a new year I would like to share a few reflections regarding the year 2020 for the Dazet family. As we began 2020, it was a year full of hope.  We were filled with joy and loved our life in Muncie.  We were 90 minutes from Rebecca & Jacob (Columbus, Indiana) …

The Christmas Gift of Vulnerability

When I read the story of the birth of Jesus, I am astounded that the God of the Universe would become a baby. Why did God enter into our reality through the painful and vulnerable path of childbirth? I held my wife’s hand four times during childbirth. Three times led to Rebecca, Jacob, and Micah. The fourth time was during …

Let's stop saying (1)
Dazet picnic 1

We Need To Stop Saying, “Let me know if you need anything”

When I was diagnosed with Cancer in 2008, I had so many people say to me, “let me know if you need anything”.  These people were caring, compassionate Christ-followers who genuinely meant it when they said it. While there was a lot of things that we needed, from help with the kids, to runs to the grocery, we only let those …

who is challenging you to pursue your dreams?

Do you have someone challenging you to pursue your dreams?  Or are you surrounded by people who are feeding your complacency? One of the reasons that leaders don’t achieve their goals is that they don’t have mentors pushing them. Recently I met with a pastor who was very discouraged with their ministry assignment.  They didn’t think they would ever be able to …

welcome to the new site

Grace & Peace, Welcome to my new website. My life has changed over the last few years and it is time to write about it.  New life, new site.  And there is some pretty cool stuff in the pipeline in the months and years ahead. But one step at a time. Welcome!