The Surpassing Worth

Philippians 3:7-14

What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord (Phil. 3:8a)

What do you value most in your life?  

Paul uses the accounting terms of profit and loss in verse 7 to compare his former values to his current values. Formerly, Paul’s identity as a Jew and his accomplishments was what he valued. Now he has found something that is described as worth surpassingly more than anything he ever experienced or accumulated.  Jesus changed his value system.  

Because of his Damascus Road experience, Paul decided what he thought was profitable was now better understood as a loss.  All of his trophies and accomplishments were trash in comparison to knowing Jesus. Having a relationship with Jesus caused him to reconsider his values in life, and he realized that things didn’t add up anymore.  What was once profitable now was deemed a throwaway.  You might say Paul lost it on the road to Damascus.

Getting to know Jesus will change your value system.  What you used to spend your time and energy on now seems a waste compared to spending time with the most valuable person in our lives – Jesus Christ.   When we take an account of our lives and look at what we spend our time and money on, we will see what we truly value.  

How valuable is Jesus to you? Does your life reflect this value? 

Are there things you might consider “losing” in order to see a “gain”?